Huge cheers to the bands and European Championship goal scorers

It’s Friday with mid-summer temperatures and sometimes oppressive humidity Vienna Danube Island Festival His 41st Edition started We boarded in the late afternoon Rishi Rainer And Clouseau Not just the first acts on the main stage. The island also had room for footballing passions.

Because it happened on Game Island European Championship match Austria vs Poland Shown live from 6 p.m. The not-so-generous stands of the spectator stands were packed to bursting. And when the Red-White-Red took a 1-0 lead in the 9th minute, there was unbridled celebration. And the fans were less enthusiastic about the goals and ultimately the final victory.

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Things were a little quieter, but definitely brisk, not far off Festival stage Scheduled by FM4 on Friday. There, Reci Reiner first sang her indie hit Gems about Italy, her Bialetti, or “Bar Royale,” in a whispery voice.

German singer and rapper Clouseau followed with a rousing sound backed by a brass section. His song “37 Degrees in Heaven” fits the mood well. Although there were already a few clouds in the sky at that time, the island was still sweltering in the oppressive heat.

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Both named Nino from Vienna And Voodoo Jurgens – They play in the evening Ragbuhne – as fixed points on today’s concert calendar. Alternatively, on Critical stage Neither is the rapper Juju and a German pop band Province Offer. Among others, Schlager is still waiting on stage Peter Cross And Semino Rosy to their concerts. The cultural tent is dedicated to country and line dancing until late in the evening.

up to Sunday The open-air festival, organized by the capital’s SPÖ, invites you to numerous concerts and sports and entertainment events with free admission. On that day 14 levels Will be in this year’s edition 700 hours program 4.5 km long party area.

The disruptive activities heralded by the “last generation” have yet to take place.

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