Lorenz Böhler: Confusion about the container hospital

In particular, such a complex should be operational from 2025, on the site of the future urban development area Northwestbahn, according to the AUVA press conference. According to their presentation, acute surgeries should take place there again, until then the AUVA trauma center will be carried out at the Meidling and General Hospital (AKH).

However, at the request of “Vienna Today”, the City of Vienna and the Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB), as the owner of the property, refused the contract with AUVA. The city confirmed there was a conversation where multiple locations were discussed. Nordwestbahnhof is one of them. ÖBB also confirmed the request and said it was being considered.

65 Ortho Trauma Beds in Transplant Hospital

The proposed container hospital is a temporary solution. Operations are planned to resume at the current location in 2030. AUVA general director Alexander Bernard said there are currently “serious discussions” about building such a facility. The replacement hospital will have 8,000 square meters of space including 65 ortho-trauma beds, primary triage clinic and treatment areas. It was assured that mobile extensions and extensions are not uncommon in the hospital sector. AUVA is already using these.

In terms of hygiene or technology, the standard should be the same as usual – although such a hospital cannot be compared to a building, as Bernard added: “It is a temporary solution.” There are many providers of such properties. We are in touch with these companies.

Fire safety issues

According to Bernard, the current challenges are enormous. There was an “imminent danger” after preparatory work for general renovations showed the fire protection paint was inadequate. The AUVA boss vowed it was a “devastating realization”.

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Now we are not necessarily in an orderly retreat, but in the process of completing an “acceptable transition.” No one will be fired, the assurance was given again today. Patient care is also ensured. And: the Lorenz Böhler locus remains active to a certain extent. Primary care clinic and post-care areas will continue to be available there. No more will be admitted as inpatients.

Intensive operations at AKH and Meidling Trauma Center

If necessary, victims will be taken to two alternative hospitals by 2025. Approximately 2,500 acute operations per year are transferred to the trauma center – formerly the accident hospital – in Meidling and carried out by staff from AKH and Brigitta. Christian Fialka, medical director of Meidling, explained that new appointments are sometimes made for non-serious, planned operations.

He emphasized that we are actively preparing and ready for this stage. For example, the operating hours of operating theaters in Meidling will be extended. His counterpart from Brigittenau, Thomas Hausner, thanked all the staff and spoke of a “tremendous challenge”.

The location should remain the same

According to AUVA, the location is not in jeopardy. Instead: In the coming years, Lorenz Poehler Hospital will be expanded into a research, business and healthcare complex, it was confirmed today. However, they wanted transparency in all matters.

As AUVA director Bernard explained, a report detailing fire safety deficiencies should also be available to the task force – only the final version is being developed. The expert communicated his findings privately to the staff, he stressed.

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