Pierer and Mateschitz join fire department supplier Rosenbauer

Upper Austrian fire brigade supplier Rosenbauer There is already a rumor entry from Stephen Bear, Mark Matschitz As well as the Raiffeisenlandesbank Upper Austria (RLB OÖ) About the capital increase confirmed on Thursday.

Robau Beteiligungsverwaltung GmbH, responsible for the investors, 3.4 million shares The group will be delivered by the end of the year, Rosenbauer said in a statement.

Too much in debt

Background to the transaction, which is still subject to official approvals Economic difficulties. Rosenbauer suffers from a heavy debt load; 428 million Euros.

Pierre, head of the Upper Austrian Industrial Association, recently set up his own company with Red Bull successor Matschitz, in which 67 percent of Roba’s shares are collected: PiMa Beteiligungsverwaltung GmbH. Remaining shares Robot keep Raiffeisen Beteiligungsholding GmbH (20 percent) As well as the Investment Unternehmens Beteiligungs AG (13 percent).

Austrian solution

Finally there was the Czech one Tatra group Interested in joining Rosenbauer. An Austrian solution now prevailed. After buying Robau shares 33 percent Company shares. Total purchase price 119 million Euros Rumor has it that it is 35 euros per share. Shares were quoted at 34.70 euros on the Vienna Stock Exchange on Thursday afternoon.

Black numbers

Last year, Rosenbauer was back in black. There was profit 1.2 million euros, after a loss of 22.3 million euros in the previous year, the company announced in April. Operating result (EBIT) also increased 37.5 million Euros Back in the black in 2022 after a loss of 10.6 million euros.

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