Potential trend in electric cars – ooe.ORF.at

There are more and more electric vehicles on the roads. Electric cars have now overtaken diesel vehicles in terms of new registrations. However, many interested parties are still reluctant to buy because electric cars are too expensive for them. “New technologies are always installed in the more expensive vehicles at the beginning of the innovation leap. Little by little, cheaper models also appear,” says Adolf Seefried, spokesman for the automotive trade of Upper Austria.

Tax incentives as incentives

Electric cars have tax advantages, maintenance costs are only one-third of a combustion engine, and electricity as a fuel does not seem so bad at first glance. On average, a car in Austria drives 13,000 kilometers per year. At current prices it costs 1,350 euros with the petrol engine, but the diesel is slightly more expensive. With a consumption of about 20 kWh per 100 kilometers, the cost of an electric car is about 850 euros.


Charge at home cheaply

However, this calculation only works if you can charge at home and don't need public charging stations, where electricity is often significantly more expensive. The house cannot be charged frequently and it becomes very expensive. If only 20 percent of the electricity comes from the household connection, fuel costs rise to more than 1,500 euros per year.

Graphic, trend reversal in electric cars


Photovoltaic systems can help save money, but don't have to

Anyone who thinks that a photovoltaic system on the roof of the house will cost significantly less is basically right, but things are not that simple. On the one hand, the PV system must have a certain base size to provide enough power for charging.

On the other hand, this is only possible during the day when the sun is shining. However, many people commute to work, which means they are far away from their own PV system during ideal charging times.

Electric cars are expensive to repair

This problem can be solved with batteries that are charged during the day and discharged in the vehicle in the evening. However, such large power storage systems are still an expensive affair and cost thousands of euros. It is also often heard that the repair cost of electric cars is very high.

“Repair costs are on average one third higher than comparable combustion engines. The main reason for this is the expensive high-voltage batteries. Replacing a high-voltage battery costs around 10,000 to 40,000 euros,” says Hannes Tiefenthaler, ARBĂ– Linz.

Special requirements for mechanics

Although electric cars are generally less expensive to repair, because mechanics require specialized training, workshops charge higher hourly rates.

There's even a technical term for the fear of not reaching your destination without charging your battery: range anxiety. Here, car manufacturers are focusing on further expansion of charging infrastructure and technological advancements in battery technology.

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