Radiation safety competition: Three Tyrolean firefighters on stage

On March 15, 2024, the Radiation Protection Performance Competition took place for the 20th time at the Tyrol State Fire School. 29 participants from Tyrol, Vorarlberg and Styria managed to achieve the silver performance badge – podium places went to Tyrol.

TYROL/TELFS. For twenty years the radiation protection competition has been held at the Tyrol State Fire School – for the seventh time in the silver category. 29 participants from Tyrol, Vorarlberg and Styria showed off their skills at five stations. Recipients of the achievement badge represent an important support for radiation protection troops, he stressed Tournament Manager Thomas Brooker:

”The purpose of the silver competition is not only to provide participants with the specialized knowledge necessary to efficiently manage operations in the event of damage and disasters caused by radioactive materials, but also to prepare them to be at the forefront of such critical situations. Take.”

After successful completion, participants are better suited to take on the responsibility of managing a surgery in the event of radiological accidents, he continues:

They have extensive training in the field of radiation detection, making them valuable leaders within the emergency department. In addition, this exercise strengthens the cross-border cooperation between Tyrol and Vorarlberg, ensuring that the fire departments of both countries work hand in hand in radiological emergencies and implement effective solutions together.”

A long-term success story

I have fond memories of the beginning of radiation protection competitions Tony BlahnikIt's together Siggy Horschlager The idea of ​​the Tyrolean competition emerged during the International Radiation Protection Exercise in Romania in 2003:

”After attending two competitions in Upper Austria – to get to know the processes – the Innsbruck professional fire department had its first radiation safety competition in the spring of 2004. The first STS course with radiation safety competition followed from the autumn with participants from the State Fire Brigade School Tyrol and Vorarlberg Tyrol.”

The foundation for cooperation between Tyrol and Vorarlberg was laid in this special service. The increase of assessors from our own teams has made it possible to run the competition independently in Tyrol since 2018.

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Radiation measurement and conversion of measured values ​​are part of the tasks of the competition.  |  Photo: Anton Wechscheider

Great effort by all involved

Should in 20 years More than 400 participants received performance badges Achieved, confirmed State Fire Marshal Jacob Unterladstatter And State Fire Brigade Inspector Ing. Rene Stadtacher. They are both particularly impressed by the enormous commitment of all involved:

“The joint effort and camaraderie of all emergency organizations is now able to look back with pride on the successes of the radiation safety competitions of the Tyrol State Fire School. Our thanks also to the dedicated team of trainers. Those who have invested their time and energy in preparing our emergency services for the challenges of radiation safety. Your willingness to share knowledge and experience strengthens our unity and Ensures operational readiness.”

Participants showcased their skills at five different stations.  |  Photo: Anton Wechscheider

Transnational and cross-institutional collaboration

Further State Member of Parliament DI Mag. Florian Riedl Emphasizes the importance of fire departments when it comes to radiation protection:”

“Fire brigades are one of the first agencies on the scene in an emergency, but with their high level of efficiency and constant preparedness they make a significant contribution to reducing the risk of radiation-related incidents and ensuring public safety.”

He is particularly interested in the better cooperation between the blue light systems, the Austrian Armed Forces, the State of Tyrol and other organizations involved in the field of radiation protection. That's one key factor you can count on in an emergency, says Riedl.

Ceremonial handing over of radiation protection badges in front of the Tyrol State Fire School.  |  Photo: Anton Wechscheider

“The state of Tyrol gave special emphasis to the topic of radiation protection last year with Stralex.23,” he added. HR Elmer Rizzoli, president of the Tyrolean Center for Crisis and Disaster Management Importance of cross-organizational collaboration.

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Benedict Junker (FF Hall in Troll – 998 points), Thomas Kessler (BF Innsbruck – 995 points) and Julian Naseder (FF Hall in Troll – 990 points), three Tyroleans topped the rankings. All 29 firefighters who competed met the minimum point goal and now proudly wear the radiation protection achievement badge in silver. Competition Director Thomas Bruegger was delighted to receive the silver assessor's handle during his tenth assignment as assessor.
The full list of results can be found here.

More on the topic:

“Strahlex.23” – Spectacular radiation protection training in Absam

The Tyrol-Croatia fire brigade partnership is being intensified

More news from Tyrol can be found here.

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