St. Patrick's Day – Green was the dominant color in sweats

From left: Gerhard Uitz, Magdalena Wurth, Brigitte Lassmann-Moser, Reinhard Kainz, Karin Lehenbauer, Wolfgang Ruthner, Luzia Marchsteiner and Melanie Hahn-Hahn.

Franz Fichtinger

DSt. Patrick's Day (March 17) was celebrated with a Coulterswick concert by “Fiddle Ma” and a cool Irish pub atmosphere at the Swedler Pub “Zoom Flying Hollander”.

Saint Patrick's Day commemorates Irish Bishop Patrick, who is considered to be Ireland's first Christian missionary, who lived in the 5th century. Today it is celebrated by Irish people around the world with parades and folk festivals. March 17th is a public holiday in Ireland.

In general, many Irish pubs often celebrate St. Patrick's Day with live music playing traditional Irish or Celtic folk music. This also happened with the four beautiful young ladies of “Fiddl ma” in the pub “Zum flying Holländer” (“fiddl ma!” = playing together) in Svetl.

For years, four women from the Waldviertel have mesmerized with their voices – from soft to powerful, sweet to harsh. In addition to their own compositions, they take their audience on a diverse journey with songs that range from classical Irish to Balkan to Appalachian. The ensemble consists of Melanie Hahn-Hahn, Lucia Marchsteiner, Karin Lehnbauer and Magdalena Wurth.

The “Flying Dutchman” crashed on the rocks west of Australia in 1629 and celebrated its resurrection in 1996 in Swett. Adventure restaurant attracts every visitor with unusual decorations, cozy atmosphere and good mood music.

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