The European Union has decided to open accession talks with Bosnia-Herzegovina

EU heads of government have decided to officially open accession talks with Bosnia-Herzegovina. “Your place is in the European family,” writes EU Council President Charles Michel.

In Brussels on Thursday, EU leaders and governments decided to officially open accession talks with Bosnia-Herzegovina. EU Council President Charles Michel announced this on the online platform X (formerly: Twitter). “Your place is in the European family,” Michael wrote. Austria immediately congratulated and assured further support.

“The hard work must continue now”

“Today's decision is a significant step on your path to the EU. Now the hard work must continue so that Bosnia-Herzegovina can continue to progress as your people want it to,” Michael continued.

The EU Commission will be asked by the summit to present a negotiating framework. It can be decided by the Council once Bosnia has completed all the reform measures required by the EU Commission. A unanimous decision is again required in the EU Council.

Austria, represented in Brussels by Chancellor Karl Nehhammer (ÖVP), is one of the strongest supporters of rapid EU integration for Bosnia. However, some EU countries have previously expressed concern because the country has not yet implemented all the necessary reforms.

Edstadler: “You are part of the European family”

From Austria, Europe Minister Caroline Edstadtler and Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg (both ÖVP) immediately offered their congratulations. “You are part of the European family, the EU would not be complete without the Western Balkans. It is now important to stay the course and pursue an ambitious reform course. You can count on Austria's continued support!” Edstadtler tweeted.

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“This is a well-deserved reward for your will and courage to reform. We will continue to support you on this path!” That's what Schallenberg promised in X.

The EU summit decided that EU accession talks with Ukraine and Moldova should be pushed forward “without delay” once the negotiating mandate comes into force. Georgia, which has official EU candidate status from December 2023, has been called upon to address further priority reforms. (APA)

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