Westenthaler joins the ORF Board of Trustees for the FPÖ

As an FPÖ and BZÖ politician, he was known for his tough stance on media issues. In place of Nicky Haas.

Former FPÖ and BZÖ politician Peter Westenthaler joins the FPÖ ticket on the ORF Foundation Board. Nicky Haas delivered his mandate in a very important way ORF-Group again. According to the FPÖ's press release, “for professional reasons”. A possible backdrop for this fort could also be a more pronounced line on the board of trustees, which the party clearly wanted ahead of the upcoming National Council elections.

As early as 1999, Westenthaler was where he was then ORF-Represented by the Board of Trustees. FPÖ club leader in the black-blue government under Wolfgang Schüssel (ÖVP), he was also known for his tough approach to media policy. Westenthaler himself admitted that he was not squeamish when he tried to intervene by phoneOnce it was broadcast live on the ORF discussion program “Im Zentrum”.

Read More: ORF: Interventions in the media engine room

Against house tax

In his broadcast, FPÖ General Secretary Christian Hafeneker has already given a premonition. A free voice on the ORF Board of Trustees “Voice of the People's Interests”: “ORF 'forced tax', one-sided reporting, left-leaning 'pseudo-experts', green-ideological climate propaganda or lavish salaries for the executive suite: lots of problems at ORF.”

Repeal of the ORF budget levy and “total reform of the ORF” will be at the top of the federal government's priority list “with People's President Herbert Kickle.”

Already from March

According to a report standard Westenthaler will participate in the board of trustees meeting in March and will continue his work as a political commentator at the broadcaster oe24.tv.

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In early 2022, Westenthaler declined when asked about a possible position on the ORF Foundation Board. He said standard.

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